Enviroment and Ecology

The beach

A part of our campsite is located facing the sea, surrounded by beautiful sand dunes covered with shrubs and sea lilies that protect the pine forest area. To safeguard the beauty of this flora that characterizes the coast it is necessary to respect some tricks, such as not treading on the dunes, picking tents on the beach and picking flowers as well as leaving no waste of any kind on the beach, cigarette butts and excrement of one’s own dogs included.

Barbecue and bonefire

The update of the regional fire prevention regulations, with resolution n. 27/2 of 13 May 2016, contain indications and detailed rules for some categories of activities carried out by:

Breeders, farmers and foresters; owners and managers of roads and railways; owners and operators of power lines and cabins; municipal administrators; owners and operators of tourist-residential settlements, campsites, tourist hotel villages and hotels, restaurants, farmhouses, discos, entertainment and entertainment venues.

These are measures aimed at mitigating the risk of forest fires and more, we offer you some salient points to better inform you and know what to do to avoid causing, even unintentionally, disastrous fires, capable of killing thousands of animals, of destroying acres and hectares of beauty and dozens on the street dozens if not hundreds of people.

Art. 2 Fire sighting and reporting

1) Anyone sighting a fire is required to report it, so that the necessary extinguishing work can be organized, by calling the toll free number 1515 of the Forestry and Environmental Supervision (CFVA), at 115 of the Fire Brigade (VVF), at 113 of Police of the State or 112 of the Carabinieri.

2) Anyone in possession of information useful for identifying the person responsible for a fire is required to report it to the telephone users themselves.

rom 1 June to 31 October, the period of “high forest fire danger” applies, consequently:

Art. 4 Prohibited actions

In the period of “high danger of forest fire” it is prohibited:

a) light fires or carry out actions that could cause ignition;

b) dispose of embers;

c) to throw away from the vehicles, or otherwise abandon on the ground, matches, cigars or cigarettes and any other kind of lit material, or in the state of embers, or that in any case can trigger or spread the fire;

d) stop the vehicles with the catalytic muffler in contact with scrubber, dry plant material or in any case with material subject to ignite due to high temperatures.


a) the owners and / or drivers of land belonging to any land use category, are required to clean hay, brambles, dry material of any nature, the area adjacent to public roads, for a band of at least 3 meters calculated starting from the limit of the relevant appurtenances of the same road;

b) the owners and / or drivers of agricultural funds are also required to create a fire protection strip, in the manner described in paragraph 1, or a green grassy strip around the rural buildings and the enclosed areas for the shelter of cattle, of a width not less than 10 meters;

c) the owners and / or drivers of cereal crops are required to create a plowed strip of at least 3 meters wide, perimeter to the bottoms greater than the 10 hectares merged;

d) the owners and / or drivers of the land used for the production of adjacent agricultural crops with the wooded areas defined in art. 28, they must build within the cultivated land, a strip worked at least 5 meters wide, along the perimeter bordering the wood;

e) the owners and / or drivers of land located in the peripheral urban areas, along the entire perimeter and with the methods referred to in paragraph 1, must create protective strips without any dry material having a width of not less than 5 meters.

It is for these reasons that the International Camping Valledoria prohibits the lighting of fires on the pitch, including barbecues, and bonfires on the beach. The use of gas barbecues on the pitch is allowed. However, for all those who want to cook with a traditional barbecue, International Camping Valledoria has set up barbecues in special areas of the campsite that comply with the Law. 

The use of the barbecue area is except with the prior consent of one of the staff of International Camping Valledoria.


Walking along our beach, but also other beaches of Sardinia, it is possible to come across the Mediterranean Posidonia. Contrary to what people thinks, it is not a seaweed, but a plant in all respects, having a precise structure, just like terrestrial plants: in fact it has roots, an underground trunk called a rhizome, leaves, flowers and fruits. The rhizomes grow horizontally and vertically giving rise to beautiful sea meadows that colonize sandy bottoms up to a depth of 30-40 meters.

Why is Mediterranean Posidonia fundamental?

1) promotes the stabilization of the seabed thanks to its roots;

2) reduces the intensity and strength of sea currents thanks to its leaves, which even reach the length of a meter, allowing the maintenance of a good health of sandy bottoms and thus protecting the probability of erosion;<

3) The old leaves carried by the currents are very useful because, after settling on the beaches, creating accumulations of several meters of thickness, called benches, protect the beach from the erosion of storms. The most resistant fibrous residues of the leaves are compacted by the waves and returned to the beach as “agragropile” better known as hanks.

The oxygenation produced by Posidonia occurs through the process of photosynthesis: 1 square meter of Poseidonia produces up to 14 liters of oxygen per day and is very rich in environmental biodiversity due to the number and variety of animal species that the plant hosts. It is indeed the ideal habitat – protected by the European Union with the Habitat Directive – for the hippocampus, the clams, and many other animals that find hospitality and food there.

WARNING! The anchoring is sufficient harmful, even for a small boat, in fact a prolonged stop on the Poseidonia lawn is enough to create irreversible damage and to start the erosion process. Think that the disappearance of a meter of Poseidonia can lead to the erosion of about 15 meters of sandy beach and compromise the existence of the beaches!

Help us protect it!


The International Camping Valledoria has adhered to the regulations of Legambiente Turismo, which was created to provide a guideline for sustainability that every tourist activity should aspire to obtain. The disciplinary is developed around ten topics, which represent the cornerstones of environmental and social ecology: waste production and management, energy resource management, water resource management, food and gastronomy, sustainable mobility, accessibility, eco-sustainable purchases , enhancement of cultural and environmental assets, noise, communication and environmental education.

Each area of ​​the disciplinary has a brief description of the generic objective to be achieved and a series of specific criteria that are designed to indicate what should be done, but they do not suggest how to do it, leaving the exercise to find the best possible solution in relation to to its own characteristics. We are therefore pleased to state that our campsite complies with all the prerequisites and legal obligations required for the performance of its activity and that, therefore, it has been approved by Legambiente and Tourism as compliant with the specification.